4,092 updates
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Planning on making mp/ss2 strictly lineart as to ease the workload, this will give me a lot more creative freedoms. :3 Reading manga makes me a little crazy I think because i'll be adding covers+backs like it was an actual book. what if i was silly
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owlroost 2 years ago

You could print it out and make an actual bound copy for yourself! I know a really good tutorial or two if you want.

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theburied 2 years ago

@owlcollective A really sweet offer but I don't think I'd print out mp/ss. It'd be a lot of pages and its right here inside my laptop/website anyways >_> + I don't feel too passionate about it to have a physical copy, I'm not a very Items kind of person. But thank you for the offer anyhow!!!! <3

can't wait for mp/ss2 because im going to be so evil.
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hi! i havent updated in a while i just lost steam again. anyways, sort of big announcement? i'm going to be redoing mp/ss once i finish this. i don't enjoy how it ended up and i hope to tell a better story after all of this. mp/ss is ending chapter10 as planned, but won't be leading into red-star or the prologue/side stories. everything here in mp/ss will be considered noncanon/outdated canon.
MESONS' POPPY STAR STAR IS OFFICIALLY CAUGHT UP ON PAGES! :) Chapter 8 is complete. Feel free to comment with questions! :)
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nightmare and a half when imgur wouldnt upload my photos
3 more updates and mesons' poppy/star star should be back on track (again)
wow wow wow!!!!!!!! your comic looks so insanely cool!!! its 2 am as i write this so i cannot read it rn but i cannot wait to check it out soon!!!!!!!
theburied 3 years ago

hi!!!! thank you so much :)!!!!! means so much 2 me. cant wait to hear any thoughts u may have!!!!! btw your website looks really cute ^_^

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page 174 is up! :) Introduction to two new characters; Sean and May. Sean and May are both transgender as well, though neither have figured it out in the story thus far. But with May, he's a bit goth and boyish already, probably has a bigger clue about it than Sean does. For the record; Sean -- Later named Scout, a transgender girl who uses she/her May -- Later named Maverick, a transgender boy who uses he/it

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 20, 2020
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