4,092 updates
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srry for lack of updates again im mentally sound
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!!!! - from the transgender creator of mp/ss as well as the transgender cast (tyler, jackdaw, maverick, sean, poppy, gale, and johnny!)
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so excited because my mom bought me my dream figurine for $56 (usually this one i want is $300). so excited that im feeling physically ill. either way im full of joy im going to draw so much updates tonight
deadgirlpoetry 2 years ago

YOOOO THATS AMAZING who is the figurine of?

theburied 2 years ago

its Venom Snake from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain!!! He's 10 inches tall...

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@owlcollective i'd love to have any resources you might have! it'd help me a lot, and if you could point me in the direction of systems willing to ask questions that'd be great as well... :) i appreciate the help so much
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owlroost 2 years ago

Is there somewhere I could email or message you? I think it would be easier to send the whole list like that instead of cramming it into Neocities comments.

theburied 2 years ago

if you have an instagram/twitter i can be found on either @ 000buriedlonely(twitter) or 000buriedlonely37297(instagram)

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owlroost 2 years ago

Sent! I have an old Twitter account.

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@deadgirlpoetry THANK U SO MUCH. So excited as well to be able to tell the story properly :3
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Sorry for that huge tangent 🧍🧍🧍🧍
theburied 2 years ago

Neocities needs a better commenting system because I literally cannot reply to any of yall on comments. This BLOWS.

Got recent advice from a friend that maybe I shouldn't redo mp/ss. I'm not gonna listen because 90% of the advice was take what I dont like about what I did with this comic and fix it for future comics. I don't intend to make another comic series for while. And I'd rather I tell this story and be more satisfied than not by the end of it. Mp/Ss was structured in a way that, at first, seemed ideal. I didn't intend to--
theburied 2 years ago

(1) --pour so much of my feelings/trauma/struggles into Tyler. But now that I wanted to tell a bigger story than it started with, I feel like I could do so much more. So much was cut out for the sake of keeping each chapter 24 pages long with 3(minimum) parts to them. These are important story beats I tossed for the layout and I feel as though I could tell it so much better if I gave myself more liberty.

theburied 2 years ago

(2) A lot of things have changed with the characters, namely Mason/Tyler/Poppy/Gales dynamic and it doesn't show too well with how the story is currently.

theburied 2 years ago

On another note I'm scared of the rerun being vaguely popular and Mason getting attention because he's a freak that I based off people who hurt me. I don't mind people liking this iteration of him because he wasn't completely intended that way at first but second iteration it'll be more obvious and I'm scared people will like him and try to dismiss his actions cause hes fucking silly or whatever.

theburied 2 years ago

ONE LAST NOTE: I keep flipflopping between Poppy/Gale being a DID system because I worry I'm accidentally portraying them weirdly/its offensive/playing into stereotypes a little bit. In the second iteration I hope to have picked whether or not I want to and make it a lot more clear to the audience that Poppy/Gale are a system w/ Poppy being an alter that's just fronting all the time now.

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theburied 2 years ago

Poppy/Gale being a system is a funny one cause like Tyler's autism I didn't intend it to be that way but as more time went on it just kind of grew on accident. In my head Poppy and Gale felt like different people so I literally made them separate entities/consciousnesses. They're kinda Silly.

theburied 2 years ago

One more I promise: I have put a lot of time and research into Gale/Poppy's system, and while I didn't take any notes, I did figure out what kind of alter Poppy is (i did not write it down i am so sorry but i'll be sure to return to researching and educating myself). I do want this to be canon I'm just nervous about making it weird on accident.

deadgirlpoetry 2 years ago

i cant wait to see where this will go and im sure youll do a good job, tell the story YOU want

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owlroost 2 years ago

If you need any input on Poppy and Gale, I used to be plural and can point you at resources or answer what questions I can. I can probably also find other systems willing to be in contact and help out with questions.

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