1,681 updates
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every time i think "hm perhaps i should try tiktok again" the youtube algorithm shoves some art drama into my recommended about another child getting harassed off of the platform for having an unconventional art style and i think hmmm maybe not
eeeeek she's almost finished! only really have to make my commissions page and from there anything else would be just minor edits or general thigns like adding art to the gallery...
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aight, thats enough for today. its really coming along :3
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im done trying to figure out the art gallery i just made the shit bigger
took a while for some stuff to update on the site for some reason, but imma call it quits here for now. im still figuring out the art gallery situation but its fine for the time being
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i refuse to check my updates outside of neocities rn so you have to deal with my slop
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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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zines comics personal art