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im too tired to write a blog post tonight but the more i think about fashion and stuff the more i realize that all the clothes i find *cute* are clothes i dont find *comfortable* and with my health conditions and financial situation i heavily value comfort over aesthetics. but also like, there is literally nobody at all stopping me from dressing casual IRL so fuck it we ball
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viscera-zombie 8 months ago

that being said what the fuck am i supposed to do with the corset sitting in my drawer that i cant wear because it restricts my ability to breathe

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does anyone else remember that weird point in like 2021 where everyone was really obsessed with pride flag discourse and every pride flag had to have an alternate "unproblematic" version. im only asking bc i had to look up one of those to answer a question and remembered why i dont participate in queer discourse anymore
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axayacatl 8 months ago

i remember this and i also remember how it brought back the discourse of who gets a flag and who doesn't a lot of these dialogues go in circles and eventually you just step off the ride lol

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

lol yeahhh and honestly i feel this way about MOST online discourse, at some point you gotta realize nobody is gonna benefit from these types of arguments and start keeping your opinions to yourself. its not productive and makes everyone involved look like an asshole

cassis 8 months ago

Same. The queer discourse has gotten so weird to me at one point (with the "radqueer" shit as well...) that I just stopped caring anymore :P

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it really fucking sucks how much anti-palestine bullshit is on derpibooru. as in, every time someone posts pro-palestine art, it gets mass downvotes and the comments get full of idiodic genocide supporting maniacs. at least the mods seem to be on top of removing the comments that complain about palestine when they can literally just filter the tag.
i think i have POTS
its past midnight and im having opinions sadly. okay so like, does anyone else feel like way too many people online are comfortable being misogynistic? mainly so-called progressives. it feels like for every good faith criticism of gender roles and beauty culture, theres about 3 more posts that boil down to "a type of woman im allowed to hate", if not straight up TERF rhetoric. its annoying.
viscera-zombie 8 months ago

i promise i dont post stuff like this often but i needed to get this one off my chest its like my main reason for leaving tumblr and most other social media

i think me being exposed to Happy Tree Friends as a kid might be the reason i collect teeth in a pill bottle now
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CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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