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im gonna be removing the NSFW art section from this site as well as from all my socials. ive come to realize im not really into drawing NSFW art, its not my vibe rly, still keeping the WEB-MA rating though for all the gore and because i tend to favorite NSFW art on my FA account
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did a couple late night edits on my tablet. mostly added one of those cute censorship pandas and mvoed skme3stuff around idk those panda things remind me so much of my childhood for some reason
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your website is super cute and cool looking! im jealous haha <3
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okay but like for real, WHY is it always the cutesy bitches that are horrible people? oh wait, i know. that vivarism chick said it herself. people like this want to seem innocent and vulnerable! soft pastels, childish aesthetics, and putting on a sweet persona all play into it.
viscera-zombie 8 months ago

people like this act all friendly and adorable but then turn into viscious cunts the moment they're called out. it all makes them seem like a poor lil' ol' vulnerable baby uwu so when they "snap" and show their true colors they can blame it on "harassment".

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

and im sure you can argue about how "you need to do some REAL activism for trans people" but frankly its not fucking fun knowing that there's people out there using their self-proclaimed innocence and vulnerability as a means to shut down criticism and hurl disgusting rhetoric about people like me and my friends and its just allowed to happen because "im just a widdle pastel baby girl uwu"

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

frankly, spewing bullshit hatred towards trans people is far more fucking evil than calling someone a bitch and a terf. but you can't call me out for being mean, YOU'RE mean! if people realize they're actually jackasses, the "kawaii" facade they put up starts to crumble.

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

and it all plays even more into anti-feminism too, by the way. you can say all you want that youre a feminist but "all women are inherently vulnerable and all men are strong evil beasts who have power over them" is misogynistic, period. but again - its all part of the ruse. "im a woman, so you aren't allowed to criticize me because im weak uwu"

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

we need to understand at this point in time that being a woman, or any other minority, is not an effective shield against being called out. it does not absolve you from being bigoted. all you do when you say that shit is show that you have no actual arguments for your claims. its like they know theyre pieces of shit but dont wanna admit it because that involves admitting theyre not the soft person they pretend to be.

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

and its not just terfs that do this- zionists, homophobes, racists, pedophiles, and all manner of bigots do this, too. because its easy to play innocent when you act like a fucking child.

viscera-zombie 8 months ago

and thats not to say that everyone with a pastel or child-like aesthetic is a bigot or a creep, obviously. but its no wonder why grown adults with horrible worldviews gravitate towards these aesthetics. we associate these things with innocence. purity, even. its not until the well starts getting poisoned that the association starts to die and we realize its nothing BUT an aesthetic.


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CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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