
1,335 updates
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Getting some 403 Forbidden nginx errors... Smhsmh. Might have something to do with my file structure? By the way, thank you lot for the 38k views. That's pretty cool ๐Ÿ˜ณ
I'm aliiiiiive
also, thanks for the 25k views! that's pretty neat
jesus christ it's been 2 years since i last touched this website. how've you lot been? i'm thinking that i might change this website to become my online portfolio just so it has a more practical use than "here, have some junk i had lying around on my hard drive" lolol. but man, that means i'm gonna have to relearn all the web code stuff again...
Sorry for not being around, school has been really busy and I just forgot about this lil website of mine. But not to worry, I will give it a new look it sooner or later in the holidays! Just need to figure out how to make those pretty layouts I see all the time haha :)
october is here ๐Ÿ‘€ sorry for not being around guys! life is just hella busy. i'm thinking about removing "character designs" in interests cuz the images take up a lotta space!! i wonder what i should replace it with ๐Ÿค”

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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedMar 11, 2019
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personal animation art videogames blog