The Winter Solstice

5,048 updates
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3/1/23 - Took a little bit to show but yesterday, I fixed an issue with the "website-updates" on the home-page. There was a horizontal-scroll so I got rid of it. Editing 2/1 to show that now (on 3/1). Also, Removed "Deathmatch" Section - Doom.
2/1/24 - Changes to Image and text positions on Doom page, aligned "warmonger" image to right and the text to left.
1/1/24 - Surreal to think that this December, this site will be 2 years old. Time flies.
1/1/24 - Removed the text link (lair) in favour of an image link. Put "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" image under the doom title.
31/12/23 - Put images of WADS on Doom-Page, Changed size of the images to be equal. (Wrote up these updates on 1/1/24)

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 14, 2022
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