Damn! I'm sorry. I don't know what to do about that. I use a MacBook Air and it works fine, but that's no help to you. I'll try it in Windows and see what happens. Thank you for letting me know.
I thin I've fixed that. I apologize. Thank you for calling my attention to that.
I'm not the creator of the website but I think its just part of the overall shop based aesthetic of the website I think they're free : )
Good luck with your Dell. I'm still using an old Dimension 4500S that my father gave me in 2006 as a secondary PC, which now runs FreeBSD 11. I really enjoy refurbishing old computers and installing various BSDs to them.
Do you like Dallas Holm? His music isn't to my taste, but my mom and one of my exes love him.
Thats cool that you are still using a dimension. I used to have a dimension i liked but the caps were going bad, i replaced a few but the motherboard ended up dieing in 2019 i think. I have never used freebsd i should try that on my dell.
I have tapes of dallas holm but honestly i cannot remember if i like his music or not. I haven't listened to my tapes much lately.
Indeed. A lot of the remaining ones were hosted on free servers or on ISP accounts. Free servers are closing, & ISPs are getting rid of their hosting services. A few old sites are or were hidden deep within major websites, but companies are auditing their service, to make sure they meet new privacy regulations, accessibility regulations, etc, so those are going away too. At least that's my thypothesis.
This has happened to me occasionally; the oneupsmanship in your account is hilarious XD