The web site of zeepy

67 updates
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Do you have any advice on how to learn css? I have been trying to learn how to make boxes and organize like you and other sites do but the code doesn't like me LOL help pls. Also I love your site its sooo cute.
Hi I was wondering if I could put a button linking to your site on mine? I am trying to make a box on my site that links to cool neocities I like lol. Is it ok to use the code provided in the box on your site that says "my button"? It says no hyperlinking but I looked it up and img src is considered hyperlinking and idk what to do TvT
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nyaa 1 month ago

haii yes you can! and yes you can use the code i provided!! ^_^ if u mean hotlinking and not hyperlinking, you just have to download the button img to your computer and upload it to your own neocities files, copy the url, and then replace the url in the code i provided! i hope that makes sense! ^w^

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I LOVE your site!! It's super cute and I love how it doesn't feel overwhelming.
nyaa 1 month ago

thank you so much!!!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 28, 2025
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