the zusk hole

1,268 updates
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Keep up the good work! You are a inspiration for me <3
shishka 1 year ago


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zusk 1 year ago

Just some formatting stuff. I think some of the acronyms I was using for the game was tripping up how the site appeared to search engines. Also first edit to the site since I have started using Linux! Having the files locally accessible from Nautilus is a life saver..

I love the vibe of your website! It looks incredible.
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zusk 2 years ago

Took me ages to fix the index.html showing up wrong...

Does anyone have advice for updating the thumbnail that appears in the feed for your site? For me it rarely seems to update on its own!
keltokel 2 years ago

I can't figure out how it works at all, mine was stuck on an old version for weeks. I emailed Neocities support about it but those guys are asleep at the wheel and do not read or answer support queries.

Website Stats

Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedJun 9, 2022
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videogames programming webgl unity unity3d