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1999x 3 years ago

new playlists are up !!!

i love ur playlists omfg
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1999x 3 years ago

ahh they actually need to be updated but thank you ^__^ !!!!!

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1999x 3 years ago

cleaned this section up a bit! and yes, i'm aware of the distribution issues with kpop songs on spotify right now-- i've made a note of it on this page. so sorry for the inconvenience!

hey everybody! truth be told, i wound up losing motivation for a while, partially due to a slumped mood and because my computer is on its last legs (looking into getting a desktop soon though), but i had some ideas during my time away and i'd like to get the ball rolling on my other shrines + a goodies section(!) soon. stay tuned!
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1999x 3 years ago

happy shinee comeback day y'all! i did some cleaning up-- unfortunately, autoplay is being a little picky, but i'll try to see if i can find a workaround eventually. hope you guys enjoyed their 7th album, "don't call me"!

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJun 18, 2020
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links personal 2000s fun kpop