I now have 100 images to remove from the root directory of my website... how to do this?
UPDATE: With the use of "API" and copius amounts of help from ChatGPT I managed to remove all of the unwanted images from my site's root directory... now I just need to create a "How 2" on this!
Enjoyed reading your update Brian. With regards to your earlier update - from before the new lunar year - the feeling of everyone's minds being elsewhere was also present in my life. I think something was happening.
I always use Makita batteries and tools because I noticed over the course of years that that was what tradesmen I saw were always using. I've given my batteries a heavy use for over five years now (drill, driver, circular saw, blower, line trimmer) and I've had no issues. Just thought I'd toss in my experience for what it's worth
@readingproject Thanks for the feedback. My "Katsu" set was quite a bit cheaper than a Makita, if only someone at the factory hadn't been skimming battery cells...
The Tamagotchi knockoffs are interesting... I figured they existed, but I've never seen one until now.
@hardmachine some aren't too bad, but others are very basic in their programming.