Goner 44

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2044 1 year ago

Very minor updates + added some pixel art I didn't upload before.

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Your website is one of the most creative art portfolios I've seen out there on the web. It's so pretty and everything just fits together so well. It was also one of the first ones I saw on the neocities months ago too and inspired me to actually work on my own proprerly, too (I made a little gasp when you followed me back haha) so thank you! Keep up the good work!
Your website looks so pleasant to the eye, I love the colors and how well organised it is! And the media log is a cool way of sharing what you like with the world (I see you also found something captivating in Rain World xD)
finel 1 year ago

Thank you!! (The trick was use previous art I did as background and color pick from it for the rest of the site). I think your website is so pretty, the theme looks so good and the little cat on top is adorable! (Rain world has dominated my life for half of the current year I love that game)

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJul 11, 2022
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nokia games pixelart pixel retro