world of "BRAINIMP"

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hai guys sirry i have been so busy and so sick and soo sleepy. Also I've been considering like completely redoing everything. Thisis wat happens wen u do real web design work for the first time. Frightening effect....
Hii my internship is going GOOD! School in general is,,, Bit of a rough day todauyy And I still havent worked on my site at Alllll but I'll have more time to now so look forward to it possiblyyy!
school is starting soon and i spent my summer neglecting my site,, soory about that >,> but i am taking up an internship at a local business this school year sothats excitign..! i'll be making simple games for prisoners to play with their kids on the little prison ipads...and probably other stuff...exciting!!! I may have time to work on it then...lala
finally linked the game collection page on my homepage after Months. I was thinking about waiting until I had everything photographed but I wanted to Make the Wii channel for it already So. Yah. If u guys saw how I made those gifs yoiud Die ithink
OMG ALSO THANKS SO MUCH FOR 50 FOLLOWERS :D I'm getting back into the swing of things I think,,, I'll be doing a few things 2nite!
brainimpediment 6 months ago

I said I was gonna sleep like an hour and a half ago onthe bog But I just Updated the photo channel FINALLY so if u wanna see some of my art from the past few months then go loooook..... omfg i have 2 pee SO BAD

finally changed my super duper ugly button...I think this 1 should be more fun & ACTUALLY readable. I had to figure out how to export it out of the trial version of aesprite so I spent WAY too long on it & im SO glad it's done. I love it....ooooh yah
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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJul 15, 2023
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coding games blog personal collection