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57296 3 years ago

Thanks for following my pages, Geo. --Craig

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saint-images 3 years ago

A good part of my thesis included a small research on stereography (mostly put there to bump up the amount of pages) (⌐■_■). A fascinating topic, yet the one that's gonna give me nightmares for a while because the thesis was rushed in just a few days!

57296 3 years ago

There's an interesting collection at --and I have a copy of Morton's "The Social Stereoscope".

saint-images 3 years ago

Speed is indeed an issue. In my country the usual speed limit in urban zones is 60 km/h (~37 mph) but everyone drives at 80 km/h (~50 'murican units) because you legally cannot be fined if you overspeed by less than 20km/h. And you can't really reason with the people by saying that slower travel is safer (the goverment doesn't plan to remove the 20 km/h margin anytime soon too).

bmh 3 years ago

@staint-images 20 km/h seens quite a margin although here in the UK we have a "10%+2mph" enforcement rule/margin of error thing that I never think about, while other people think it means they can drive faster than the speed limit... but what if their speedometer is inaccurate...

saint-images 3 years ago

Staint Is a feeling of being sustained, usually from a narcotic of some sort.It can also be used as a short term for sustained, as it the term “Staint” doesn’t have to be directly involved with a narcotic, however that is when it is most commonly used. 1. Derrick Drunk some lean and felt very Staint 2. Mom I ate this great donut at Krispy Kreme made me feel so Staint

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57296 3 years ago

NEVs are dangerously impractical in most of the "real world" (and in my city), but well-heeled retirement communities are being designed to accommodate them. Perhaps a younger demographic will find a way to follow --in more affordable "intentional communities".

57296 3 years ago

Thanks Hotline --will try on your MIDIs for size and fit.

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community radiation stereography astronomy egyptology