The Corners Within

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Just added an official web stamp. Feel free to give me some tips/critique. Since it's my 1st try.
adornesibley 1 day ago

First and most important rule for making anything: Did it bring you joy? Yes? F***yeah, you succeeded.

adornesibley 1 day ago

However, I do have what I've noticed from other sites which is just that often they're animated, even if it's just two frames that flip back and forth. This just makes them eye catching... but if that's not your vibe, then don't conform. XD

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lakestheguy 1 day ago

May I ask: how do I make an animated web stamp gif?

adornesibley 1 day ago

I use Aseprite! It's pretty easy to use and it's relatively cheap, and DRM free...

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adornesibley 1 day ago

Because then you can literally load the image you used and just add additional frames and then change colors, or move elements. It also has a layers function that lets you make separate layers so you can move them without interfering with the background. It's pretty stellar~ It's what I used to make nearly everything on my site.

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lakestheguy 1 day ago

I think I'll leave it as is for now. But I might look into aseprite when I have more money to spare. Thank you.

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adornesibley 1 day ago

Oh absolutely! I'll just reiterate, it is DRM free. If you can support them, do so, if not... Well, regardless, I've made a quick and dirty how-to on my Art page. If you go to the bottom of the page there's a repeating gif that shows the basics if/when you have Aseprite.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJul 29, 2024
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fiction writing animation ttrpgs horror