the angel's den

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update: BLINKIE EXPLOSION!!! in a new area is up and running!!!!!! it should not have taken me so long to figure out but i did it!
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doing some maaaajor changes to the layout and pages to the site, so i'm sorry for the mess! trying to make the content in the sidebars for each page a little more unique to the page, so BLINKIE EXPLOSION will be gone for awhile until i figure out how to do this thing i want to put them in.......
got the shrine directory pretty much set up, yall get some spoilers of what's to come! first one i'm working on is the phantom of the paradise shrine, but will continue that tomorrow.....
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think i'm gonna work on shrines today.... finally.....
ancientangel333 1 year ago

first one will be about one of my favorite movies, ain't saying which one tho.....

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 6, 2021
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