cats!! definitely my favourite land mammal (also your site looks sick as hell woww!!)
they're definitely the sweetest little thangs .. Thank U x3
i'll figure out how to put a frame around that thing later... bday is nearly over here but once it hits the 20th pacific time, i officially enter my mid twenties...
happy birthday!! ^^ what a lovely video, there's so many beautiful things in the world to keep witnessing as we get older!
!!! that means a lot to me wow thank you!! those are low-key my 2 favourite pages i've made, so i'm really happy you liked them too!
@getcubed heheh!! i was Obsessed with talking heads about a year ago and i still love and cherish their music... might watch True Stories this weekend
@pluto22+@vulpecula !! thank you!! i like how my camera does a much better job of capturing how a place feels than my phone does
the january photos are amazing. specially the one with the cross and the one with the snowflakes at night - i loved them.
new shrine is held together with duct tape and hopes and dreams so be gentle with it lol. i can't keep tweaking it or i'm gonna lose it soon so i'm just putting it out there as it is ^_^
this is one of my favourite things i've seen while browsing the activity page tbh
genuinely such a beautiful page !! the loose draggable clippings are so fun
ty!! the clippings definitely caused some headaches lol but i'm glad it worked out
your charging ports are dead I think :(
NVM crisis averted!!! went out and bought an australian charger instead of running my US one through an adapter. that method worked all last year so idk what changed but whatever! (thank you though!)
ur 2ds got done with ur antics (jk!!!!)
that would be fair at this point haha