Did some lookin myself and found Rockbox (avaliable on a shitton of other similar devices too) and a lot of cool themes, I like this one especially: https://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=3404&target=ipodvideo
Lots and lots of fixes and things today!! I hope I uploaded everything right :S
Also RSS feed!! And the Idiot Box index is done but I'll save it for when I have a real subpage too.
Literally just removing some links, not even doing an update for this. Btw if you want some primo internet rubbernecking check out the Trakt forums they selfdestructed in the funniest way ever
Updates have been slow because I want to finally get the fucking urusei yatsura page off my plate but thats a lotta writing because I am insane and I have to write this other more important thing for real life shit first. I have done a shitton of touhou fanart in the meantime you'll all see it soon
Might pivot and do the updated album page just to get something out the door too idk