Kool Kidds

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firefox discrimination is real
what is it with neocities and abundances of anime girls
kidmarscat 4 years ago

90s web revival culture and anime culture being both niche communities for outcasts and eccentrics? that's cool though, reminds me of those old 90s GIF collection CDs with low res anime pictures, it just feels so appropriate

encounters-ltd 4 years ago

forget anime girls where are all my cartoon girls

38cautionzone 4 years ago

Good question

real pissed that i cant bring myself to updating my site
yo mama
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hye, welcome to nebocities! real glad youre picking up html and css. its the coding that i used to want to do without the abundance of thinking. i hope you find yourself at home here. if you wanna learn the best parts of html and css (tables), is great. if you wanna chat, the perfect discord server for that is right down this alleyway -->
velkom tu da neocities! you have quite a nice site, i reckon. i dont see many people change their scrollbars css as much as i think people should. i hope you'll find yourself enjoying your time on this site just as much as so many other of us do. if you wanna chat with some of us or get some help with a site goof-up, you're in luck. enter pennys club:
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argh 4 years ago

also you should prolly add a banner lol, i just noticed the giant box of nothing on the top of the screen

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fallenstar 4 years ago

Sorry I could not respond before because my message feature had not been unlocked yet! I would love to join your discord but I dont actually have one :/... if I ever do, I will let you know though! Also thank you for letting me know about the banner issue, I did have one but I realized it only appeared in certain browsers, but I think I have fixed it now!

god i cant fucking go anywhere without someone shitting themselves about the minneapolis riots.
velkommen to neocities! methinks you'll quite enjoy it here. if you wanna get started with html, is the best site for it. it's got tutorials on html, css, javascript, java, script, etc. etc.. you'll really get the hang of this whole thing quickly, it aint all that hard. if you find something that no soulless green fucking abomination can fix, report it to
welcome to neocities, moodibug! we're glad to have you here. if you want to hang out with the neocities community, get a few tips, or exhibit me being cool (very cool), please feel free to join the not-so-official discord server:
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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedApr 9, 2019
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