Armonicnoise Lonely Corner

1,431 updates
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I think to give Runescape another chance, i remember give it a try on my old phone and now i saw it on steam... Idk i should do it? Despite is too late?
koinuko 1 year ago

I love RuneScape!!!! Specifically Old School RuneScape!!! If you do play tell me and we can play together :D

1 like
armonicnoise 1 year ago

Gaming with Koinuko? that would be nuts!

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3 likes dear god this thing just appeared in my youtube recommendations, you cant believe how big the nostalgia trip it was
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Just discovered a cool Book called "Redwall" a few days ago and everything about it looks cool, but also revealed the worst problem of living here... theres no spanish translation at all, even the cartoons are in english and dosent even exist a audiobook or a fan translation. Sometimes I wish I liked normal things....
koinuko 1 year ago

Redwall is really good!! I liked those books a lot as a kid! I know reading things in another language is difficult but it was written for younger kids so the language in it is usually pretty simple from what I remember!

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I remember one day I played the newest minecraft version and i didn't get it, and today i played the newest version with my nephew and i still didn't get it. Idk maybe i cant understand modern minecraft something about it feels just weird, maybe because theres too many crap and op things..
koinuko 1 year ago

There are so many features now I totally don't understand XD I haven't played minecraft in quite a while

dreamcult 1 year ago

last time I played I picked up 3 different kinds of stone and looked them up to find they were all useless :/

I just got addicted to watch nerf videos, man i always wanted one of those things..
Massive delete of ancient and new images and pages including my art and pics on my blog, Hope that can help to prevent stealing and reduce storage space. This can cause that certain pages can look empty
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Im nervious right now and i wanted to do a quick update to my Article page but instead im doing because is fast. Today after a long day of work i jumped into neocites like always, but im seeing multiple post of followers and non followers about people basically rippin websites, idk if that gonna happen to me or not but im thinking on strategies to afront this like erase my art or other info
dude wtf with this timeline, first died the daughter of Elvis, Recently died Tina Turner and today Astrud Gilberto Died. Why the legends are dying non stop this decade i just was listen Astrud Yesterday and now shes gone.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 24, 2020
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personal videogames music blog furry