Beau Jean

3,464 updates
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hey bojan the librarian! I actually recommend that you add "A Quiet Place 2" on your horror movie list! I watched it for my birthday" because I loved the first movie and it's great! Please add it!
beaujean 3 years ago

Thank you for suggestion, I didn't know that number 2 came out. :) I will put it on my to watch list and make a review as soon as I watch it! I just finished watching Cabin Fever (2002) - it was fun! :D

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Thank's so much for putting me on the neocitizens page! I greatly appreciate it!
I love your horror movies list! I love all the movies in there!!!
beaujean 3 years ago

Thank you my friend. Please let me know if you have some horror movies to recommend

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Hello, are you planning to return the shrine of Daft Punk? It would be awesome to read your opinion of them :)
arandomsite 3 years ago

I actually am! I'm just redoing my site a little and then I'll remake the Daft Punk Shrine!

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Boen Balo webpage is complete! All the songs are hyperlinked - take a listen and let me know how do you like them :)
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arandomsite 3 years ago

I love them!

Hello That Pupi, your website is awesome! You gave me an idea to create a page about my vinyl collection, as soon as I finish current projects! Thank you so much :)
1 like
tenebriscanem 3 years ago

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!! <3 I can't wait to see your collection

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedSep 27, 2021
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