liek for one i'd rather host it somewhere else without the social media features and for 2 iam Not a fan of the juvenile internet drama that seems to pop up all the time. Also the freaky websites Not a fan of those.
I REALLY APPRECIATE IT FOR HELPIGN ME FIND SO MANY COOL PEOPLE I LOVE U GUYS' STUFFF and if i Do migrate elsewhere I'll definitely keep in touch & probably change the neocities to redirect 2 my new domain so I can still talk with u all n stuff But I Think I'd Like to set up camp Somewhere Else.
i'm unfortunately also thinking about switching to nekoweb. With the weird drama spikes that's been happening like 4-5 times this year I'm getting kinda much as I wanna stay positive zzz
YAY!!! I'm so glad you like it!! I found urs a while ago and think about it often... ur an inspiration of mine... yaaaayy!!
Yesss!! I've been loving SotN so farrr.,, I need to keep playing it so badly once summer starts
I said I was gonna sleep like an hour and a half ago onthe bog But I just Updated the photo channel FINALLY so if u wanna see some of my art from the past few months then go loooook..... omfg i have 2 pee SO BAD