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What fighting games would you suggest for someone who's new to them? I've played very little in the way of fighters, I should give them a proper go sometime
@mrhumbuck I learned how fighters work from Tekken 3 way back, off a demo disc- I think it was pretty straightforward, but had enough to do that it kept me playing and figuring out how different characters work. Past that, though, I've just played stuff I think looks stylish or interesting. It's really boring, and probably bad advice, but I think it's easier to learn a game if you like the characters, or vibes
Pt 2: or amount of fireballs flying across the screen. I have no competitive spirit, so I'm just messing around, but definitely think it's easier to get good at a game that hooked me with the window dressing.
@mrhumbuck the first fighting game I really sunk some time into and made effort to actually learn was Guilty Gear Strive, and I picked up basics in a week or so ... I'm far from any good at Guilty Gear or fighting games in general, but from my perspective, I think once you learn things like numpad notation and various different terms, practicing combos and just having fun with the game comes next pretty EZ :3
PT2: also some basics I learned from Guilty Gear translated over to other fighting games. There's loads of really good fighting games to start with, and I think Strive is one based off my experience with it