A Solitary Website!

648 updates
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been busy with tower unite the past week or two, letting my brain rest from the constant work I had been doing since December lol
bugholdersepiphany 7 months ago

looking into a job as well, so that oughta lead to something good, I hope. we'll see. it'll mean I won't have as much time to work on stuff but it'll let me be able to work on it without concerns over money for now.

i have new monitor, things are good now :)
gonna be resuming working on shit soon, been taking a lil' break after submitting my Doom map for Charbomber's contest
bugholdersepiphany 7 months ago

current plans for after my lil' relaxation time are: refine my Doom map for public release, update my site with it & another thing I had worked on, and then go full speed ahead with my big project.

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Updated my site! Mostly via way of including more songs onto scm player, updating the music section to be more organized as it grows (doubly so as a project of mine is getting ready), finally added the cover of song of healing from majora's mask... and of course, more buttons!
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bugholdersepiphany 8 months ago

oh, and a button on the front page to make it easier for folks to follow me if they so wish!

updates have been slow, most of my energy has been going into working on my big project & a doom map for Charbomber's mapping contest :)
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scarecat 8 months ago

awh, I don't think I'll finish my entry on time (school sucks), it's a shame bc I really enjoyed mapmaking so far

need to go through all the sites I have linked to with their buttons and actually fill out their guestbooks tbh
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bugholdersepiphany 8 months ago

I keep forgoring:(

yay comments and replies are fixed
replies are broken and people can't make a new account apparently. well shit! hope that all gets fixed lol
Added a few new buttons to my website of other interesting places i found on neocities, as well as some new songs to the scm player, and a webring that... only has me in it right now but will (eventually) have my friends on it, hopefully! Oh, and i updated my buttons at the top to be iframes. Though uh, i dont know how to get them to adjust size on mobile so, do bear in mind that, eheh.
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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedMay 26, 2022
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cohost videogames writing projects