837 updates
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been busy, I don't have an exact timeframe for when my worldbuilding project will be unveiled, nor for anything else like an album I've been working on. but rest assured, they will both come!
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Updated my website with link to new album on there, look in the music tab!
i approve
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bugholdersepiphany 9 months ago

this was mostly just me updating my kofi, changed the link and shit :3

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there's something funny to me that people are genuinely hoping that Federiefederi is just doing an April fools joke
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Small update, added myself to coffeebug's webring :3 It'll be a while before I pop up on here again, going to be focusing my attention fully on my projects, between music and worldbuilding itself >:3 it's go time!
Updated my website again! It's a small update with some new buttons... and a link to my bandcamp with my first album on there! Which I shall also link here!
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Did an actual substantial update to my site! One thing being i'm finally releasing my Doom Map! There's also an actua changelog on the site now, yay!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 26, 2022
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music blog cohost videogames writing