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Well, giving up technology for Lent!
chronicles 3 years ago

Sometime to dedicate to myself. It’ll also clear my mind and make me thankful to have this platform.

May God bless Ukraine. I pray that Putin comes to his senses and realizes this is not the Stone Age. Awful how innocent people have to suffer because of Putin’s greed. Hopefully America can step 🆙 and communicate that this behavior cannot be tolerated. 🙏
Guys, the code for the pixel divider things is massive. It’ll take me a while to paste it. Using it is worth it though.
chronicles 3 years ago

Figured I’d share it. It’s from code pen.

The Anniversary of my last dog’s death is fast approaching. She was 17, an old age for a dog. Her name was Rosie. Rosie, developed congestive heart failure as she aged. Her heart continually enlarged and swelled until her lungs were compressed. This meant she would suffocate and drowned in her own mucus. She began intensive medication to stop the condition from worsening. However, she’d die in her little bed.
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chronicles 3 years ago

Even in death, she was graceful. R.I.P. Rosie. At least, she’s in a better place.🙏

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chronicles 3 years ago

It was great to have Rosie around. While, my new dog can’t replace her, she’ll still be one of a kind! Just like Rosie was!

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Love this site. Very open-minded and kindhearted. Nice job, Sage!
letslearntogether 3 years ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear it. 😊

Who first developed programming? Whoever they are, holy crap are they smart!
1 like
chronicles 3 years ago

That thought just came to my mind as I did some work on the site. I’ve really developed a lot of respect for programming languages,

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letslearntogether 3 years ago

Ada Lovelace in 1843, and yes, she was brilliant 😄

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Good work today friends!
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chronicles 3 years ago

A lot of changes to the WELCOME page. I feel like the landing page is perfect the way it is.

chronicles 3 years ago

Can’t go wrong with a black hole. ;)

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CreatedJun 30, 2021
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