4,075 updates
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Well, made a slight to change to the nav bar, however, the change was a little bit of a bust!
1 like
chronicles 2 years ago

Did some decluttering of my site!

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Well, finally got time for some renovations.
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chronicles 2 years ago

Currently made some minor changes…adding more momentarily.

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Who would of thought….I’ve been speak English my whole life but I’m awful at grammar! Extra help session for me!
So, for those going to school, how many hours of studying have you put in? What’s your technique? I like to study for 20-30 minute intervals and take 5-10 minute break in between. I some massive exams coming up on the 3rd, so I’m really upping my efforts for these final days. I’ll probably post what I had to do in preparation through a post or on my site. Trust me, it was tough.
chronicles 2 years ago

Would love to hear what you guys have to say!

Happy new Year!!!!
chronicles 2 years ago

Hold tight for new updates!

1 like
hubbardian 2 years ago

Happy New Year! Looking forward to the updates!

1 like
massive update in the works。 我很高兴。我喜欢这工!
chronicles 2 years ago

currently studying Chinese。Query- is anyone interested in learning a new language?

hubbardian 2 years ago

I’m studying English. Learning a new language is difficult but fun!

chronicles 2 years ago

That’s pretty cool! Curious, what is your opinion on blinking text. The way it can be done is by manipulating the marquee tag. I just took some css from a programming website- resulted in a beautiful pink design. Do you find any of these things odd or annoying?

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hubbardian 2 years ago

I like it! It’s not annoying at all. Your website is unique and cool, so i think you should use whatever tags you like!

1 like
chronicles 2 years ago

Thanks. Talking to you made my day!

1 like
Set up a template for a new story! I’ll probably get rid of the cursive writing as it may be difficult to read. Aside from that, I think the black hole animation on the entry page is far more fitting. “Enter the Abyss” probably makes most think of a black hole or a large, dark, and ominous opening
chronicles 3 years ago

Hello arandomsite. How’s it going?

arandomsite 3 years ago

nothin much chronicles! Just added a banner to ARandomOS! How about you?

chronicles 3 years ago

School and sporting have been pretty stressful. However, despite the endless work, I still managed to get something done on my site. I can’t wait to find time for more alterations. My newest story is called necrocities. A hellish realm, somewhat inspired by the name of this platform.

I’m back.
chronicles 3 years ago

Enter the Black Hole.

chronicles 3 years ago

How do you like what I’ve done with the place?


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CreatedJun 30, 2021
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