A third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck

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I love your site!<3
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cyberbuu 7 months ago

Big updateeee, make sure to clear cache before checking back! <3

don't know where my chat box is wandering off to,,, a problem to fix another day ε=( ̄。 ̄;)
if you could wide your width of your main div 600px to 605px it would fix your overflow-x to be hidden.
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bighater 9 months ago

dont worry it won't screw anything!!

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cyberbuu 9 months ago

ty!! Hopefully that's fixed it? Everything seems to shift around on different size monitors and browsers (;´∀`)

Finished a big site overhaul, might need to clear cache for my page for it to load the new layout properly :) Still lots of fixes to do, but I'm burnt out so it can wait a lil while longer <3
Rebuilding my site entirely atm (making everything offline til it's somewhat presentable) but I'm being so indecisive about the layout ;-;
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federiefederi 1 year ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

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CreatedJan 20, 2024
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