welcome to sweetest angel!

2,852 updates
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hot bitches sobbed uncontrollably over the new toh episode
yall why does some of the text on my website look blurry?? like there is some text, images, even a video its like an out-of-focus camera?? wait i just realized its only where there is a scroll bar? is this normal??
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luv it when i go nonverbal at school n end up almost cryin cuz i have to talk <3
screw zodiacs what song from suckerpunch (chloe moriondo's new album<3) do u relate to on a spiritual level??
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dai-dai-dai-kirai 2 years ago

like cdbaby<3 and cry be hittin hard

also thinking about changing my site name cuz im not vibing w/ the current one. i'll post the new name if i do
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i was gonna post a funny thing but i forgot (-_-')
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my friend's dad broke both of his legs. how? he took a motorcyle around a block, hit a groundhog, and was catapulted into a ditch full of boulders./srs
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dai-dai-dai-kirai 2 years ago

the motorcycle wasn't even his. it was his friends. idk if i should laugh or not. like he's fine (besides his legs and probs ego) but its also kinda hilarious

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dai-dai-dai-kirai 2 years ago

i like the layout but not colors imma fix it l8r im sleepy rn tho :<

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 3, 2022
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