welcome to sweetest angel!

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man this has been a weird day- (but then again september is just a weird month imo)
also how do u guys build layouts so well i luv it teach me ur magic ways :0/lh
clownbonk 2 years ago

it just takes practice!

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being sick is cringe because all food sounds horrible so i end up eating saltine crackers like a bird
why is it that everytime sum1 messages me on this one forum site its a 30 yr old man that is just as surprised as me "ur 30!!?!?!?" "ur a minor!!??!?!" like they're never being creepy abt it but still its weird. this is why i hate social media for the most part. i'm abt to turn messaging on there off so that only mutuals can message me :/
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out sick with covid so i'll probs be working on my site a good bit (i feel alr for the most part it kinda just feels like a head cold)
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erm hi!! first post on here ;-; i'm gonna try to finish my about me page and at least start on one other this weekend >:3
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CreatedJul 3, 2022
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