Dizzy's Bunny Hell - Landing

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i hope that i can get a new journal entry out by tomorrow!
doctordizzy 2 years ago

simply unchristmassed it. i'll try to do more things tomorrow, if i am not tired

i am surprisingly very tired, and webbed site updates might pause for a bit,,,
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doctordizzy 2 years ago

honestly, pretty small updates. sadly, due to technical issues (aka, i made a mistake), the halloween 2022 page is currently down. :( i will try to get it back up when possible! ^_^ i did lose the files, though... >_>

hi! i'm having some difficulty with your webring. it's nothing too severe, but i can't seem to center it at all on my landing page. the other webring i have next to it is centered, and everything looks fine until the self insert webring loads. i don't know if that makes sense -- i can provide more information if need be ^_^ i hope that you have a wonderful day!!
koinuko 2 years ago

Hi, I'll take a look in a little bit and reply again to see if I can help out!!

koinuko 2 years ago

idk if this is what you wanted, but did you want the entire webring container centered? if so, i just added margin:auto and text-align:center to that whole div: otherwise i think you should be able to style the self-insert webring individually. if this isn't what you meant feel free to email me and ill try to take another look!

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doctordizzy 2 years ago

!!!! That worked!!! I have no idea why I didn't think of that! Thank you so so much!! ^_^

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there were many small updates today! ^_^ i updated the font to a new one that i made (i'll have a link to let people download it later :P), i made the home page a bit more accurate...
doctordizzy 2 years ago

i'm trying out a new font that i made! any feedback is greatly appreciated!

i want to work on my website, but the gremlin inside my brain is telling me to create fonts instead
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doctordizzy 2 years ago

added a new subpage for miscellaneous stuff, like the silliest font i've ever made :P


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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2021
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