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Hi ! Thanks for the add. How do you make those little buttons? Just a gif with a link? I'd like to make a page and include yours when it's done. (:
dann 4 years ago

They're just images, so there can be many ways to create them. Sometimes I resize logos, or take a screenshot and crop. Others I dig in and assemble animations. They just need to be 88x31. Adding them is just a link around an image tag. Let me know if you'd like me to try and create one for you.

dot-pitch 4 years ago

Oh gotcha. It's all good, I think I changed my mind about using buttons, you don't need to make me one. Thanks though!

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dann 4 years ago

Pretty cool. Was the art created by moving an image while being scanned

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dot-pitch 4 years ago

Dann - yeah the Scrambled Eggs page you mean? Yeah just old clippings run through a scanner on high res

hexxxxxxxxxxx coooooooodes

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedFeb 4, 2021
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music art personal deadmalls musician