You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
You can try using HandBrake, it's a FOSS program that you can install on desktop. It can do things like changing the extension/format and the quality of the video/audio. It may require a bit of tinkering to get good settings though, getting a small video file always requires a huge quality loss.
OK, thanks. I was able to get my biggest one below 100k with at 480p, so I'll upload that for the time being, but I'll try to see if that gets better results.
Also requested an account on a PeerTube instance so I can embed / share from there.
OK, the 480p videos actually aren't that bad so I think I'll just use those, and do PeerTube links for higher quality versions. Thanks for the rec, though!