Draggian Universe

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Anybody know of any good cloud places for text that work well with long files? I've been keeping my journal on Zoho Writer so I can update it from either my computer or phone and have it sync (which is important for making me do regular updates which is the point) but it's started to glitch now that it's at 160+ pages. I don't want to put it publicly online on my website, for obvious reasons.
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draggianuniverse 1 week ago

the only reason I use Zoho is (a) fuck Google and (b) Google Docs got really slow on my phone and Word refused to operate without logging in. and now Zoho is being slow because my journal is apparently too long

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draggianuniverse 6 days ago

It has occurred to me that since I'm not editing my old journal entries, I can just split it into separate files by year so the old ones are archived and the new ones are in a shorter and easier to edit format.

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Last updated 13 hours ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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