
5,176 updates
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This is really cool to see, your fanart is really really impressive! I look forwards to seeing how the AU & writing turn out!
satohika 6 months ago

Thank you QwQ I can't wait to just start posting the fics too! I'm having so much fun with just the roughs I can't wait for more people to see it ♥

thank you for the follow! i wish i had found this site earlier... your artstyle is honestly astonishing and your plushie collection (esp. the kirby and pokémon plushies) is super cute ;3
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ectobeing 6 months ago

Thank you so much T_T such kind words. I've been really lucky to get ahold of the collection I got!

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Your site is both beautiful and highly legible/clean! I am impressed by the design and art direction of it. As for me, my site has been text-only for the past (more than) 6 months of its existence and tonight was the first night I added any real art to mine. Anyway though, I added you to my follow list and will definitely check out more of your site later! I'm going to bed now though, so goodnight!
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ectobeing 6 months ago

Thank you so much, it means a lot to hear !!! Trying to balance aesthetics and accessiblity across devices is difficult but worth it. I'm more of a visual person anyway, so it became my focus. I need to read more on your site as well, but I really love the graphic on it. Same vibes as 90s CD games ^^

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gracias por seguirme, su página promete mucho!!
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melody-nomas 6 months ago

¡¡muchas gracias!! me encantan tus peluches, son preciosos <3

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just finished a huge site overhaul! please ctrl-shift-r and check it out :)
My site's been slow to load on less beefy internet connections, and the pages I have are outgrowing their current categories. I'll be updating the layout soonish.
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I added a site button to my page, finally, so if anyone would like to be affiliates... :angel:

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedOct 1, 2020
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writing personal art gamedev nintendo