made slight tweaks to the layout to make it look less visually cluttered. also there are more moths now https://midnightsolarium.nekoweb.org/home
im making a new webpage just for melodramatic venting because i think some melodramatic venting is warranted atm: https://midnightsolarium.nekoweb.org/chaos
good news! i managed to create a valid RSS feed: https://midnightsolarium.nekoweb.org/rss.xml
midnight solarium’s new years holiday roundup extravaganza 2024 edition: https://midnightsolarium.nekoweb.org/weblog_posts/2024
(that was also me testing to see if i can make the links look pretty on the neocities feed) (i can't)
my plans got cancelled due to freezing rain, so i added a rudimentary tag filter to the weblog. you know how it is
That said, don't worry about not seeing updates on your neocites feed! I'll still be leaving text posts like this one whenever the site updates, along with a link to any new/updated webpages. This should give everyone on neocities a chance to stay up to date until I create a proper RSS feed (which will hopefully happen soonish!)
yet another update where pretty much every page has been changed in a subtle way that most people won't notice. yes i constantly regret my past decisions why do you ask
im still knitting stuff :) https://midnightsolarium.nekoweb.org/crafts