Thank you, me too... I read that people can live with the condition, especially when caught early (which I think we did).
Had to fix three friggin' typos in this, so I'm sorry if it kept popping up. Thank you, dyslexia.... which I unfortunately do have.
Thank you Lavenderblues.... I think things will ultimately be okay, but it's going to take some time.
hey. im just doing really bad sadly and cant handle being online still. but thank you for thinking about me and i wish life wasnt hell so i could talk
Oh, no. I am so sorry. T.T; Yeah, life isn't great for me either right now.... Seems like everyone is having a tough time ATM. I hope we can talk again before too long, but I understand & respect the need to take time to oneself, I go through that often myself. I hope that life gets better for you before long. -Hugs again-
I had to wake up at 6:45 for class registration today and got waitlisted for a required class
Oh shoot, that does sound like a pain. Or is that a good thing? Apologies, I'm so sleep-deprived and it is way difficult for me to pick up on context now.... ^.^;