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hey kyle. im just gonna write a message here because i dont have enough energy in me to communicate more. im sorry ive went away again. i do care about you im just having a really, really bad time in life and cant handle it. im sorry. i wish i could be different and that life stopped being so hard, so i could talk to you more because its really fun when i feel okay. everything is just too hard right now. im sorry.
I miss talking to you so much. Your the best and only true friend I've made in my short existence. Those 3 months of our friendship was magical, I enjoyed making comics, learning things and sharing common interests with somebody who I had a lot in common with. You were one of the greatest people I met and I really hope you return, I really miss talking to you and making things.
ju1ia 1 year ago

hey kyle. i'm sorry for going away for so long. i saw the notification for this comment and i felt i really have to read it. i cant write too much in here but thank you for reminding me that you're my friend and that you're not angry that i "disappeared". i will try to come back and talk more soon. i miss you too. i had some really bad times irl and im sorry i disconnected myself from you and others for this long :(

redretrotriangle 1 year ago

I'm so sorry to hear bad stuff happened and you had a bad year, I haven't really had a good year either. You only deserve good things! And of course im not angry im really really really happy to see your message! Tell me if there is anyway I can help! There is so much I want to share and show you >_< Ive also made a lot of games with different game engines that you might like so I can show you too! Thank you for

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

replying it makes me really happy! I hope the best for you and only good things come towards your way.

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I just found this site and I really enjoy it! I hope you still update it and you are happy! You seem like a very nice person!
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suika-hime 1 year ago

I actually just came back to check on this after a hiatus and your comment made me cry. I have been struggling with depression and decided to pick myself up a little by revisiting things that make me happy. I will be working on it slowly again.

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thanks for following!
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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

No problem! I think your site is really cool I love the Tamagotchi section!

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I'm curious what this site will be!
era-of-antares 1 year ago

You and me both.... LOL, kidding. I have an update in the works. ^^ Although it's not going to be anything special.

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

ooo! What will the update be?

redretrotriangle 1 year ago

Oh and can I also get a sneak peak?

era-of-antares 1 year ago

Currently I do not have any sneak peeks, but I will drop a hint at least: The Empire will return..... ^_~ (Not related to Star Wars, FYI. Rofl.)

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

Then I have no idea lol! I tend to overthink but maybe you might be referencing ancient civilizations! Like the romans, and the Greeks! And their empires! I'm probably wrong though lol! I'm excited!

era-of-antares 1 year ago

Teeeechnically I am..... ;D But it's an empire of my own making! However, it is not entirely dissimiliar to the aforementioned real-world historical empires. ^_^

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

Oo like a fake encyclopedia or history book? Or is it like world building?

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era-of-antares 1 year ago

Basically a "guide" or sanctuary for one of the worlds in my future manga/novel series. :D That was my original idea for my page. Problem is, I do have very conflicting feelings about sharing any information about my stories publically, part of the reason why the creation of this website has been so severely delayed...

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

Maybe you could share it through links with your friends! Like different sections of the website you do feel comfortable with sharing could be shared on the front page, and ones you want to just share with friends you could copy and paste the link to them!

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What if we made a philosophy based comic?
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annahilation 1 year ago

maybe. i dont know if i can can draw a comic very well.. do you have an idea of what it would be about?

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redretrotriangle 1 year ago

Dont worry! Maybe you can write it and I can draw it! or we can develop our own art style. And I have some idea's, like maybe a person wants to rob a bank but it turns into some philosophical fun house. Also want to continue this discussion on discord or other messenger app? My discord is redretrotriangle.

I will be gone for about 5-6 days visiting a relative, so that's why I wont be uploading more on the philosophy section during that amount of time. I will have a lot of thinking time over that period of time so more ideas and stuff to post here in my philosophy section when I return!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 24, 2022
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philosophy art