a blue planet that isn't the earth

1,843 updates
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there has never been a better website in the history of ever than this website
the new layout looks so cool
1 like here's my new main website, also it would be appreciated if you guys could swap the blueplanet button for one of my new buttons
visitblueplanet 7 months ago

there's not much on it yet, but there's a cool page I made on one of my collections...I plan on making more pages, of course, but for now that's all I have. will be working on it when I have the time and desire to do so

reminder for my fellow webmasters to stretch your body once in a while, maybe go outside for a sedentary lifestyle has led me to develop tendinitis on my knees
1 like
so remember when i said i wanted to change the website name to make something different? yeah im not doing that anymore, im actually keeping blueplanet as a side project and making a new main site under a new domain ive claimed on nekoweb.. will be shared when ready :D
visitblueplanet 9 months ago

im too fond of my adorable little blue planet to just get rid of it lol ;w;

visitblueplanet 10 months ago

best 404 page ever

1 like
would you guys be ok with it if i were to change the name of my website? i want to make something different
how was your week, neocities?
badgersaurus 11 months ago

Kinda crappy but we shmove i suppose

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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personal art blueplanet drawing