Everything Spins

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grumpfox 3 days ago

New review up: The Postal Service - Everything Will Change (2020)

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grumpfox 1 week ago

New review up - Death Cab for Cutie's The Georgia EP (2020).

grumpfox 1 week ago

Also - buttons on the front page!!

I've now added an ability to leave comments to each of the various subsections of my site. I've used for this, which basically just creates a comments page on a separate site for you to then link to your own site.
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1 like
grumpfox 1 week ago

New review is up - Mew's Half the World Is Watching Me (2000).

1 like
New artist page up for Mew (artist bio to come), alongside the review for the debut album 'A Triumph for Man' (1997)!
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dear-j 1 week ago

mew making their hot debut on the everything spins website OKAYYYYY (i've actually never heard of them but we will be seated for the bio)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJan 10, 2022
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