Scott's Site

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scott2 1 day ago

Game Library Update: It is now called TinksJS, after a cat 😺 I know. The reference and example pages have new layout since last upload which is hopefully better. There are now examples for the functions from init() to loadImage(). Switching display modes (embed/fill window/full screen) is now a lot more solid. More coming soon! Now I go play video games. 😁

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I meant to post this around Christmas and forgot, but I just wanna thank those who have supported my site/projects over the years, or those who've done so a lot recently, or both. I was gonna write a thank you list, but I don't wanna cause upset by forgetting anyone. So I'll just say thanks for the visits, likes, comments, subscribes, reactions, shares, poll votes, and so on, it really does mean a lot!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coffee is winning the Tea VS Coffee Poll by one vote!!! Someone sort it out! Vote on the left column of my site, or on the burger menu if you're using some kind of accursed mobile device.
scott2 4 days ago

Thanks whoever did that! We have a silent warrior, defending the honour of tea. xD

Since I now know about Ace (a free client-side code editor and syntax highlighter), I've gone ahead and added it to my old website building tutorials. As such, you may find this page useful for testing quick bits of HTML/CSS/JS:
scott2 5 days ago

You can now have a bit of a messabout with DrawLib* live without downloading anything! Thanks to which I've used for the syntax highlighted code editor. Things are a bit rough right now and you may spot issues, but progress is being made each day! I've also laid out the reference page better, I think. *DrawLib will be being renamed something else sooon

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If the rumours are true they might announce the Switch 2 tomorrow! Yay!
aywren 6 days ago

I hope so!! Excited!

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scott2 6 days ago

Bit by bit it's coming together. I thought it would be handy, initially for myself while developing this, to have an FPS counter and buttons for switching between embed, fill window and full screen, and testing those things work. Then I thought why not make that a feature! So now it is. You can add a quick FPS counter with dl.showFPS() and buttons for embed/fill window/full screen with dl.showDisplayModeButtons().

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scott2 6 days ago

These are just design for debugging/speed, but you'll be able to make your own custom FPS counter and switch display modes programmatically with your own buttons/UI etc too. Was gonna add the counter/buttons to all the examples thus far but I've gotten too tired lol. First thing in the morning! *End of spam.*

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Q'PLAAAAAA 100 votes reached in my site's first poll. Thank you everyone who voted! The clear winner being 🙊 Monkeys, of course. New poll is now up, ☕ Tea VS Coffee. Be sure to cast your vote in this vital battle through time and space in a universe full of caffeinated beverages!
skep 1 week ago

Me: I don't do polls | Also me: TEA IS UNDER THREAT

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scott2 1 week ago

Haha! 😁 I too voted for tea, would hate to start a day without it!

Just 4 more votes and my site's super important, life changing, critical poll will have 100 votes! Idk if bots are voting on it or not though. xD Once I get 100 I'll archive and make a new one, idk tea VS coffee or something.
My site has RSS now yay! Hopefully I didn't mess anything up with my perhaps heavy handed find and replace across the entire site lol.

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CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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