Caby's Abode

3,845 updates
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lmao people are still following this, bless. ignore the "last updated" thing, this is a redirect to my current hosting and I update regularly <3
(edited my site a lil, tidied stuff up) also just wanted to say thankyou for all the kind words people have left me. you lot are why I didn't want to write of the entirety of neocities. still good people here. anyway, this is probably my last update on here, so if you'd like to stay in contact, and my discord is capy#7431. byeeeee
Goodbye gwtagacw; I'll miss seeing your updates.
I'm sad to hear about you leaving, even though I never knew you.
Sad to see you go, but you will be remembered dearly to me for drawing me that one piece for the 100 follower special and just having a cool site and vibe in general... gonna miss ya! -chillbitz
Leaving? I'm sorry to hear it. I hope I'm not too late to say goodbye but I think I am. It was fun having you as a cyber neighbor. Your page is a part of neocities and it'll be a little darker with you. Farewell, friend.
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Hi everyone, again. Gonna ramble a little. When I started, I really liked neocities. If it's not still up then I dunno where to find it but how many of you remember that 100 follower special I did? I really loved neocities. Loved the fun it gave me, loved the friends I'd made. It's all surreal looking back. I still honestly have nothing against strata or hosma or joppie.
gwtagacw 5 years ago

And I have nothing against the vast majority of people who don't like me. Because maybe it's justified, and even if it isn't, it's your opinion. All good. I think what gets me about it is that I can't explain my side, I can't try and justify myself. I've been put into this box where the only way out for me to you is apologising profusely. Which I'm not going to do. Because I don't think I have reason to.

gwtagacw 5 years ago

Owlman can continue to lie about me, Cheren can continue to lie and manipulate. Because I'm gone. If you want out, get out. If you see this place for what it is, leave. Because there is no fixing it. There is no making people see your point of view. It's poisoned. Thanks to anyone who bothered to read. Thanks to anyone who while not taking mari's side, still considered the evidence.

gwtagacw 5 years ago

And for anyone involved who realises what a shitshow this is at any point in the future, good luck, man. Get out of here. Escape is the best option. The site hosting isn't worth it. And most of you are kids. You have no idea how much you're gonna change in the coming years. But anyway, thankyou for listening, thankyou for the memories, we all get ours in the end. That includes you. Buh-bye~

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rvklein 5 years ago

You will be missed if you do leave. Whomever you are.

arkmsworld 5 years ago

I miss you, but I'm glad you're in a better place. :)

arkmsworld 5 years ago

But, alas, I am a part of Neocities. When it has faded back into the dream from which it sprang, I too will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Arkm. :)


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CreatedMay 23, 2017
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