Puppies World

627 updates
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thank you for following my shitty art site and for your consistent world of puppies
How do you guys come up with ideas for your webpage/layout design? Do you just mess around with your code until you get something you like? Or do you draw mock-ups in paint to use as a guideline? I've seen some pretty neat designs I'm just curious how you guys come up with them. 'w'
tinypaws 6 years ago

I choose which pictures to add an kinda just go from there. ... well that sounded better in my head but now that ive typed it out here it sounds lazy as heck LOL but thats what i do >>

lmao i somehow got my frames to work (( not even sure what i did tbh...)) s h h
puppiesworld 6 years ago

honestly the only thing holding my code together is scotch tape and chewing gum

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What's the last horror movie you guys have watched? I wanna add more to my list...
puppiesworld 6 years ago

The last one I saw was Event Horizon. It's basically Hellraiser but in ~SPACE~.

39friend 6 years ago

"A Quiet Place". its not technically a horror movie but instead a drama/thriller movie. i found it pretty scary though (im weak)

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

Oh I liked that movie!! I personally didn't find it scary (im stronk), but I really enjoyed the concept and directing.

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39friend 6 years ago

yeah me too! it was a good movie tbh

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punchy 6 years ago

I watched Apostle. I liked it (was gory tho)

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

@punchy I have not heard of that one! I'll definitely check it out!

yudosai 6 years ago

Does "Get Out" count? It wasn't really a horror movie but they like to bill it as such.

puppiesworld 6 years ago

@yudosai ((sorry I didnt see this! i wish theyd give notifications for replies)) Oh ya! I think it kinda counts! I have yet to watch it though orz

Just wanted to say I love the style of your webpage (color scheme/layout) and all the dither(?) graphics!
gwtagacw 6 years ago

Thankyou! I'm glad you like it! Your site is super cute so far btw!

puppiesworld 6 years ago

((Sorry I didnt see this until now)) Aw thank you! You're too kind<3

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I adore the concept of your website and the characters/world you've built!
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polarnet 6 years ago

Ahh thank you so much!!

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both turd and n.bodyproblem's websites make me feel very...sentimental(?) for some reason. I think it's a combination of the minimalist design, the photographs and also the way they express themselves in text. It's comforting, but also somewhat melancholy . . .
you got a cute site so far man
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puppiesworld 6 years ago

im enjoying getting lost lost on your webpage. very nice aesthetic<3

cubertown 6 years ago

thanks, it was made as a challenge set by ben of superbad fame

cubertown 6 years ago

puppiesworld 6 years ago

oh neat! ((i've actually never heard of this before))

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cubertown 6 years ago

i dont believe most people have, but its nice to spread it around for others to enjoy :)

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Do any of you guys have an online presence outside of neocities? I used to be an avid tumblr user for years, but after a while it just got reallyyy old and tiring reblogging everything all the time. Seeing the same stuff over and over. Then I moved over to Twitter, and that was fine...but it didn't really rekindle any desire to have an online presence. I'm hoping this website will help with that.
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turd 6 years ago

I made a new tumblr 2(?) months ago for inspo and short posts when I’m too lazy to update my log on here. but most of the time I’m a silent blogger. ive got an ig to keep up with people offline and for more inspo

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turd 6 years ago

my neocities site is probably the most me thing there is. I don’t think I have much of a presence outside of it (uOu)

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39friend 6 years ago

i have an online presence outside of neocities. i get what you mean by tumblr, though. that gets kinda boring after awhile lol. hopefully neocities helps you !

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

@turd Omg same here. After like a 3 year hiatus I decided to try again, but nope, couldn't get into it. Orz. IG is a good idea! I haven't joined yet but maybe I'll have to give it a try someday. I love that , and I wish more people who werent keen on the usual social media sites would just come here and make their own ;-;.

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

@beetletee Thank you! I hope so too. I'm already digging it so much more than the other sites I've tried.

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turd 6 years ago

you should! and yeah, tumblr isn't very personal despite being a blogging platform. all the accounts kinda just start to look the same. but anyways I'm happy you're enjoying neocities!! :)

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Website Stats

Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedOct 14, 2018
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personal pets lighthearted photography graphics