spit up your guts!

1,226 updates
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small update - created an archived folder for my old manson shrine (which was made pre-allegation release, i don''t support him) because i was tired of staring at it in the main shrines folder. also started a folder branch for the music shrine ill be building out after the manipulators are done hehe.
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hellspit 3 years ago

if u are curious as to why i don't just delete those files its literally just the fact i hate deleting stuff i worked hard on lmfao >.>

the actual page doesn't show up in the updates for some reason but i started a shrine to male manipulator media that links to some personal shrines (not every one will have one tho - if ur curious who will i have it commented in the source code for myself <3)
new header update, i also have a site button coming soon >3 i think im going to make a buttons page aswell mwhehehe.
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after editing it to look a bit more in line with this site, i have uploaded my character pages :D i only have a few that are finished however but ah well >:3
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next update will be moving my character pages to here from tumblr bc looking at the code made my eyes bleeeed. also i like external stylesheets <3
also i have a new site that will be up soon hehe. currently its on github rn but its private
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found out neocities has a CLI so expect more frequent updates mwehehehe. i can use visual studio instead of having to deal with the annoyance of the built in editor
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tried to code on my phone bc i didn’t feel like nabbing my computer. Not recommended at literally all

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJan 22, 2020
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jthm gore 90s anarchism goth