a wanderer's log

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roccie 1 year ago

the new site appearance rules!

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jwhighwind 1 year ago

@roccie: thank youuuu! Still a fair few kinks to work out, but I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

neocities really doesn't like it when you upload nested folders at once huh
jwhighwind 1 year ago

there's no navigation for now, but anyone with a link to old pages externally can still reach them. I'll try to fix any internal links by the time I archive this design. Maybe.

anaughtytreeroot 1 year ago

I've been meaning to make a button for my website too. Seeing you made yours, would you have any advice on that?

jwhighwind 1 year ago

I'm not much of a digital?/pixel? artist, so I don't have anything substantial to offer on that front; for the most part I just cobbled it together by fiddling around with sadgirl's button maker:

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okay, I gotta ask this since I get the urge all the time: how do folks feel about other folks lifting the code from their websites to use in their own? Dismissive? Flattered? The indignation that comes with having one's hard-coded blood sweat and tears stolen from them?
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disc-content 1 year ago

Depends on the amount. But i think asking for permission is almost always the best route. Most people are happy to share what they've made, as long as you make it your own!

roccie 1 year ago

hasn't happened to me but also there's plenty of freely offered page codes (esp if you look on tumblr) that come with built-in credit to the creator so it seems messed up to just lift indiscriminately

kalechips 1 year ago

I don't care one iota, but my website is sort of duct taped together so i don't know how instructive it would be! I try to make as much free-to-use code available as possible so there's a version of the stuff I do that's actually comprehensible.

kalechips 1 year ago

Also, when it comes down to small chunks of code (and I think most of the time it is just small bits - people who need a whole page precoded are most likely going to use a free one because they have better documentation), I don't think anyone really owns anything lol

jwhighwind 1 year ago

@disc-content: modifying someone's code so it looks at least a little different is what I try to do, just without the asking for permission part, ehehehe.

jwhighwind 1 year ago

@roccie: huh, I didn't know folks on tumblr compiled that kind of stuff. I knew there was always the ability to edit html, but I've found the code on most premade themes complex enough to be near-incomprehensible... I'll have to dig around over there and see what I can find.

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pinery 1 year ago

its good to do it

jwhighwind 1 year ago

added thoughts for Jade Legacy, The Jasmine Throne + The Oleander Sword, Delicious in Dungeon, and Lucky Penny.

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haha this blog looks like mine cool B)
jwhighwind 1 year ago


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CreatedNov 14, 2020
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personal zonelets writing blog