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new blog post about my text editor (very original):
職人の珈琲 grew on me, was surprised that it was sweetened before noticing it said 低糖 on the back. but actually the slight sweetness has been really nice! the unsweetened one was very good, you're right, it's impressive how good the coffee is for being in a can. will be looking for the PET bottle without sugar next, at your recommendation
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i need you to know that i saw the ucc coffee w milk at my japanese grocery and i got it because of you, you are an influencer
sorbier 2 weeks ago

update: it was good, a little sweet;;;;;;;;;; per your influencing, i may try the unsweetened black next

suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

western manufacturers have stepped up their game lately but they still don't make anything like japanese unsweetened black coffee... closest they get is unsweetened cold brew.

suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

not canned, but i'm also fond of this UCC "職人の珈琲" that comes in a rectangular PET bottle with a blue label, it's black coffee with just the slightest hint of sugar, no milk or cream or anything, somehow it works perfectly

suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

one of these days i should update the canned coffee page, i've still been collecting cans this whole time, i have a backlog of maybe 40 of them

sorbier 2 weeks ago

ty, i shall report back. 100% support a 40-can injection to your coffee page

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thanks for pointing out the delineation of xiang3 vs think. it's tempting to draw conclusions about what the two languages presume is primarily on your mind (desires vs beliefs). in general i think it's really fun to observe how the two different language (families) draw lines around concepts and group them into words -- thinking/speaking in mandarin changes how i think about things compared to english.
sorbier 1 month ago

that said i think (haha, jue2de) that the average mandarin word performs more roles than the average english word, which renders mandarin more figurative/conceptual broadly. apologies for stating it so definitively though -- agree that it's totally my subjective impression.

"It makes it seem like people who read/speak Chinese do so in some utterly alien way": yes, thanks for verbalising part of why I didn't like it. also, I hadn't thought about word-by-word as mostly for illustrating grammatical construction, but it makes a lot of sense! i agree (:
I also use to have a Geocities page...nice to see u around here.
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