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Good for you, dear. Had it figgered. Very proud of you. :)
gwtagacw 6 years ago

Thankyou, Kenny! :D

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Keep up the good work, cool?

Oh, yeah. For those of you whipper-snappers who are jazzed about graduation or school letting out; Whoo-Hoo! Good For You! Times Two! Try a job; it's the same 8 hours PLUS yer gettin' PAID. If yer bein' sent to Camp or to Summer School; I'm a Merc For Hire. Will deliver a hearty SHMACK to the back of yer folks' heads! ROCK yer Summer !!! :)))
arkmsworld 6 years ago

Don't do it, kids. Growing up sucks! I'm going back to being 8. Catch y'all in the 70's! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

...Oh, there are more. TONS more from the "before times", folks.

It's good to see your page has REALLY taken flight! (har-har:) Very Cool. THX for the follow, too. My personal fav: The Mantis. Have you every done/seen the "Drowned/Revived Fly" trick? It's harmless. Look it up. Keep up the GREAT work !!! signed, "Nature-Boy Ken-bo"
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roachparade 6 years ago

thank you hahah! you're welcome though, i see you around a lot and you seem like a chill guy. mantis' are so cool, i can really understand the love for them! the drowned fly trick is an interesting one for sure, i may write up a page on that at some point since it's certainly relevant. thank you again!

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Thanks for subbing, Ken. What did they lock you up for? Drugs? They took me for participating in a protest. Don't worry, nothing left-wing :^)
kenny46140 6 years ago

Naw, man. None of those. Not theft. Nothing malicious AT ALL. 'Tis a tale to be told for later, perhaps. Let's just say, in honor "I took the fall" because I had to... on, um those occasions.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I'll get back to ya later, man. You seem like a pretty cool dude. Gotta run for now. Have a great weekend! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Geesh... "now" I'm late. Eh, well. The ol' "Car Trouble" never fails. Later, tater!

shelfdust 6 years ago

It's hard to use this thing for real-time communication, sorry :o I think it would be nice to make a discord/telegram group chat for our little circle since we kinda share the audience. If it doesn't exist already, ofc

kenny46140 6 years ago

I follow ya, man. Dunno about that "discord" thang. Back in the day, I used to do that chatroom thang. Sure, it was fun. But, some goofballs would hack your java and even on mIRC you could see every detail about people including ip addies and more. Not my thing, dude. You ARE right, though and have a good point. Also, problems with mis-communications. We can STRESS certain words, while the content 'is lost'. Hmm...??

strata 6 years ago

Tip for not getting your Java installation hacked: don't use Java.

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shelfdust 6 years ago

I assure you, nowadays messenger applications are much safer.

arkmsworld 6 years ago

He once shot a man just for snoring too loud. :O

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Time Life Presents: Chatroom Days And Them Hacking Goof-Balls of The Old West.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Time Life Presents: Infamous Vigilante-Samaritans Of The Mid-West

Did this awhile back. Thought I deleted it; Have a good one, man! :)
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Naw, 'Thank You' for the great work you do on your page, man!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I just added a few more things on these pages & updated a bit here and there. Gotta get out and 'back at it' soon. Have a good weekend everyone! Very cool! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Dunno why I'm so 'jazzed'. I guess it's because of the 'tera-tilt' weather. Not just the vibes at my local haunts. Also, 'the vibes' of the cool folks HERE being so... "Cool". Yes, I may abuse that word. But at least I don't over-abuse the word "Like". :)

Dammer, it's been a busy few days. I got alotta yardwork and tree trimming done. Then, I realize I'd forgotten allergies work when yer old. So, I put the A/C units in the windows, turn them on and 'clean myself off'. THEN, I realize I didn't turn the thermostat down on the the damned furnace! GAH! NOW, I got it figgered. Geesh... Now more errands. Good for me! Whoo-Hoo! Have a good one everybody and have a smile. :)
kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks for the likes folks, but THAT was just 'part of it'! He-hee! :) Got an even BUSIER weekend ahead! And a big "Yes", I'm looking forward to it! Very Cool! :)

kenny your comment makes me more encouraged to stay on neocities since your such a cool dude
kenny46140 6 years ago

Dude, If ya really gotta get things done then THAT's the priority. You know that, I know that... everybody does (or should!). Keep neocities on the back burner. I do. While I'm gettin' projects done, I'm thinking of ways to change my pages and what to put on. Follow? Good, man. Just keep everybody posted, yeah? Rock On !!! :)

bobzilla 6 years ago

Hey! Don't worry, when I put life in my reasons for leaving, that was less about personal problems and more of an excuse to get it to more then two things. :P However my main priority is of course life and all that jazz, family first and all. I plan on trying to update this when I can, just know that you are an awesome dude, Rock On !!! :D

I think that's my old '76 Chrysler Newport parked in front of the cabin on your 2018 page. ;)
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Dude, that's "The Classic". Sam Raimi's trademark '73 Olds Delta 88. A close friend (later bro-in-law) owned a '76 Cordoba with the 440 or 400 4bbl. Did your Newport have the push-button AT or was that just the older ones?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Lotta memories, man.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Are you "sure" we don't know each other? Check this out:

arkmsworld 6 years ago

I think that must've been the older cars. I had an automatic trans but it was just set up on the steering column like most cars. It was a great road trip car - 5000 pounds of rolling couch with a 400 big block. Seeing your Impalas, my first was a 1968 Impala wagon kick me down from my parents when I was 16. That was THE party wagon for high school. lol

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

It seems like we're people who would've known each other, but you're out in the midwest and I grew up in Northern Virginia....although I DID live for a year in Bloomington, IND back in the early 90s.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Yeah, man. Both of my Impalas were party-rides, babe-mobiles and me the wheelman (not designated if ya catch). Dude, we just must be bruthas from anutha mutha: I lived in Bloomington from '90-'95. '95 Bought that log home (not the Evil-Dead one) north of Bloomfield, west of BFE. Sold it and moved in '05. I miss it. Cool share, my man.

kenny46140 6 years ago

And here I am. Since the '05 divorce. Broke as a '73 Pontiac but not as sluggish! Ha! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Bloomington, Indiana... the "town" ya love to hate. I drove nearly every street/road there back then even all around Lake Monroe. That "town", man. Huh... my ex-wife and 2 sons live there.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Huh. Yeah, I'm sittin' here shakin' my head. I met alotta cool people there. Foreign and Domestic. Opened my eyes more. Huh. That damned town.

arkmsworld 6 years ago

I remember hanging out at Lake Monroe. There was also this creak that ran out of town(?) where I found a number of really nice geodes while ading through it. That was something totally fascinating and unexpected. (Was a big rock collector when I was young) Wish I still had them.

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arkmsworld 6 years ago

*creek, lol. There was also an excellent gaming store in the center of town. I can't remember the name of it, but it was up a slightly hilly street so it was mostly underground - a long window ran along the wall at street level. It had just boxes and boxes full of old D&D modules, gaming books, comics, etc. Loved the place.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Man, I know that "crick" had a funny name. I'll remember. Yup, alotta geodes and etc all over... and too much "leaverite". That's a concretion of stuff that you should "leave right there" because it's worthless! Ha! The old glacier pretty much stopped there at Bloomington.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Yup, I did alotta business at that comic shop; Buy, Sell & Trade. It was (and still may be) on 6th Street east of Walnut. The dude in there was a big DC fan. I think I sold or traded him one of my R2-D2 cookie jars and a lot of my D&D (et al) stuff. I went to about every shop/store in that whole area. Did you work at any? Would we have met?

kenny46140 6 years ago

I think most of the creeks (and small towns around there) had funny names. A few in particular I used to joke about or make up songs while driving by their sign. I looked at the map and couldn't find it right away. I saw where that Comic etc. Shop was and it's not there, BUT it probably moved (like a lot of the older shops did back then). In that area were a Model Shop and Music Shop I'd hit, too. I'm a thinkin'! ;)

kenny46140 6 years ago

I remember; "Lick Creek" was one. "Knob Ditch" another. And "Gnaw Bone" a town just east of Nashville, Ind. The further south of Bloomington was where the Great Kentuckian Migration stopped. Bedford, Ind pronounced as "Beh-Ferd" along with towns named after native american words (which were cool). Thought you might be Mark B., but are you Mark S.? That'd be too much a coincidence, but eh... gotta ask.

arkmsworld 6 years ago

Haha, neither. I am Mark M.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

THAT's cool, too! Haha! You just seem like both those Marks for some reason; Jusy "very cool guys" who are always on the same page or way better! Cool, man. BBL! :)

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i love your website kenny - it's got a lot of character! i added your button to my page. have a good one B-)
kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks! VERY cool. I'll be trying to get time to update mine (adding buttons and etc). Wish me luck! Same-same, Have a Great one! :)


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