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kenny46140 6 years ago

Now I'm dizzy. Head's spinnin'. Uh-oh... Hmph hUUmPHH-ptoi. Aw, man. ;)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Cheeze-Louize! Ugh! Got stuff ta do. Have a GREAT weekend everyone !!! :)

Did I miss anybody? Lemmie know... will add more later or via request. Cool-cool !!! :)
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Got some time this afternoon to check out some Way Cool newer sites here! Left some likes. That ROCKS! Plus, noticed some updates on older sites. Cool-cool, fools! :) Keep up the great work ALL OF YOU !!! Ack, now I got "crazy eye"! ;)
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Am keeping pretty busy, but will be checkin' in when possible. Yup, feels good to "get out and get the stink off" !!! Have A Great One To ALL !!! :)

Forgot to thank you for the follow. My bad. Kinda busy and will check out yer page(s) later, cool? Have a good one! :)
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ottwiz 6 years ago

Okay dokey :D Btw, i don't understand why don't you follow anybody.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Having limited time for neocities. Wanna re-format my freebie page and follow folks then. It's nice out, catch? Was too long a winter! Keep up the good work! :)

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Thanks, Up-All-Night. Cool-cool. Kinda busy but will check out yer page(s) later, yeah? My small banner is low on my header page if ya want it. Where's yours? Have a good one!
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upallnight 6 years ago

Mine is at the bottom of the main page on my site. When I get back on my PC I'll add yours!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Found it! Those "training vids"; VERY funny! Keep up the good work, cool?

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upallnight 6 years ago

I added yours to my links page!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Hey, thanks! Working on a new look for mine when I get the time; Format, Links, et al. You get it. Kinda busy with other obligations than my "neo-time", but I'll get there! Wish me luck! :)

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Gave one of my cousins an email simply saying; "Hey, how goes it?". Haven't spoken with her since last summer. Minor tiff. I hit send, shut down the comp and before I pour a coffee the phone rings. It's her. Nearly 2 hours of laughing and catching up later, there was no tiff at all! Never was! Hate when misunderstandings happen. Especially when there wasn't one at all. Huh...
kenny46140 6 years ago

Appreciate the 'likes', folks. Cool-cool. It really "is" All Good... apart from yardwork and weeds, right?

One is not a nickel, but another might be :)
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Yupper, the one that's not a nickel is the quarter. I think I was suggesting you put some easy riddles like that on your page or just look some up to fight that compulsion. But, now I realize your "side project" is not what I imagined. (see other below) :)

probablynot 6 years ago

No offense :) but your idea of "easy riddles" is one of my levels of personal hell. So, no, won't be adding any pages llike that to my site!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Umm, believe it or not it took a half an hour before I got that one. Also, the answer was revealed to me. So; "I really did NOT get it". I just raised my hands in disgust when I heard it, but it's a cute riddle for kids! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Hmmm... (?)

probablynot 6 years ago

"Hmmm... (?)" what? :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Got an email from sis saying; "You wrote that wrong on there". I didn't ask her 'what', so I was looking with strained eyes last night. Just got off the phone and it's down lower on a post. I'll correct it.

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