OH... and Thanks for the follow! I really should start following folks, but it just sounds weird. Dunno why.
I really like creating orig. images and graphic design as a hobby. Always have. I do alot for my fam and friends so they can facebook it. They all really dig what I make for them. Could just be advanced 'memes' to personalized stuff (wall-hangers. tattoos, et al). Yup, I too get a kick out of making stuff of use to others. Need an image? Just ask. No prob. :)
Is this your only handle/page on neocities? I used to do the oldschool geocities, talk-city, et al back in the mid '90's. Yeah, I'm old.
I was on geocities (I think I had two or three sites there), xoom, homestead and a couple of other places. I used to have so much trouble uploading to geo with FTP so I tried a couple of other hosts as well. I think I liked xoom best. It was a great domain name, too!
I do have another site on neo but it's abandoned and I prefer it stays that way. I lost access to the mail account I used at that time, had forgot my password, decided to let it decay gracefully...
Back! Yupper, I follow ya. Cool-cool. When that "ws.geo(?)" made a comeback awhile ago, I couldn't sign on to the older geo-sites I had. Didn't interest me anyway, but apparently this new "archive" thang saved parts of some. Huh, funny.
Don't get the interest folks have in that archive thang, but it's kinda cool. I fired up my old Win95 tower recently just to find images and found my old html projects which would put my current (and others) to shame. Funny how ya ditch old hobbies over time. When stuff comes back around (like it does), ya feel like; "Geesh... What The Hell !?!". Ha! :) Well, so it's that "Funny Circle", huh? :)
Hey, it's all good. Just gotta shrug and do what we do, yeah? Aw, baloney! I don't care how old I get. I'll be me for as long as it takes. As little as I know of you, I get the idea you're pretty cool. Sorry for yackin' so long at ya. Not really like that on the net, but eh... Just lookin' forward to Summer 'actually happening'. Dammer, I've had it with this funky weather !!!
Added a few more there just now. So, what kind of cars are on your "wishlist" ???
Cars in europe are different! Stick shift is standard, not automatic. I rarely see muscle cars. I don't really have that much favorites and I only have driven in the driving practice car, but I think I like Volvo's. And electric cars, they can accelerate really fast and lack exhaust and I hope they get better and better. When I was a child I loved jaguars, aston martins, the mazda's from the 90s and the dodge viper.
And a volkswagen golf from the 90s. I think it's safe to say I liked any car when I was a child! have a nice day!
I catch ya, Joppie. Yup, I've kept tabs on several european vehiles. Older Jags, Mercedes, et al. Even the newer Black Cabs! There was no money in electri-cars back in 1900. Sad. I agree; hope they get better also. They will (in our lifetimes) I'm sure (and I'm old!).
Been hunting for pics of cars I've had. They're pretty "buried". You know how photos go. I even fired up my old Win95 600X400 comp, and those pics are tiny compared to today's standards. Yeah, with dial-up back then ya had to make pics small and net friendly. Anyway, I'll try updating that vehicles.html. Is there anything specific you'd like me to add ? I'd really like to update it for you as well as fam & friends.
Again, if there's anything specific you'd like me to add on that https://kenny46140.neocities.org/vehicles.html please say so. My fam and friends pretty much know, but I'll put "whatever" on there for ya, cool?
thanks for your reply, I'd like any pics of your cars! Maybe a photo of your '70 Chevelle(if I remember correctly!). Thanks!
I owned that one briefly because I drove my '64 Impala more at the time. Chevelle was in great shape, so I wanted to flip it for college money. It had low miles, orig, and I drove it often but no pics (I think?). I'll look, tho. It was blue/blue, no SS and only a 307. Wasn't ready to sell, but somebody made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Then, I got this li'l 318 Dart which was awesome. THEN somebody bought my '64...
I generally have no regrets, but I really liked those particular 3 rides. You don't see 'em like that anymore, and can't buy 'em for what I paid for 'em then EITHER !!! I've got a lot to do outside, but will keep looking for pics, dude. Cool-cool! :)
Am just now updating my few other pages here a little. Will work on a few of those small pics (mentioned earlier) today. Gonna try to make them bigger somehow. Wish me luck, man. I'm on it!
Uh, boy... think Owlman really misread a post I made on his page. Geesh. I don't get it how he misunderstood what I wrote. Don't wanna involve you, but "help!". Naw, man. He should know better. Anyway, here's a very old pic of some rides I've owned. I'll add details of them and others later and on the html. https://kenny46140.neocities.org/some-old-rides.jpg ..."Help, Joppie! An Owl's Attacking Me !!!" ;)
Hmmm, you understand what I write. That makes be feel bad he misread my post. Ya think he's just goofin' with me? He prolly is... right?
I don't know if owlman is goofing with you... but you have some really cool cars!!! can't wait to read more about them.
No worries about the Owl-man, dude. You follow. Yup, will work more on that html this morning and today. Geesh, there is a long story about most of my old cars. I'll try to shorten them... IF I CAN !!! Ha ! :)
Put more on there and will add more later, cool? Yup, I put a "follow" on ya. I still don't understand that! :)
(ahem): I was fishing from the northern bank of the Ohio River. A Kentuckian was ranting at me from the southern side. He started throwing dynamite at me! I lit it and threw it back.
I'm not done, yet!
Am working on it. It's only 11:00am here. Gimmie a sec and PLEASE; "Make Some Comments", Cool?
I 'do' like the 'likes', but talk to me, yeah? I'm on right now. :)
Gotta pee... gimmie a sec! Whoops... uh,oh. :)
Hi Kenny. Not much to say right now.
Hey, Man! How goes it? I gotta lot to ask you! Would like to talk about some things with you, cool? Am working on some stuff now, but please... just ask me some questions if able (now). Ack! My cat is attacking me! :)
For the sake of "just asking", Web-Site-Ring: "I 'think' you may go by another handle, here." I may know what it is, but dunno. Sorry to ask. I honestly dig yer page AND think highly of you. You're a Cool Dude!
Sure, color me a target or whatever... but I only run this one page/handle and after the year+ of being on here, I think I'm the only "old guy" on here. Silly, huh?
Go ahead Joppie and Cavy... chime in. I'm on here right now! :) Anyone else, for that matter.
It's now 11:42 am.
It's now 18:14 here. Thanks for the compliment I suppose! I don't have any questions. You're not the only "old guy" on here, sure there are a lot of teenagers around here but also a lot of other ages, examples: https://agunther.neocities.org/abt_al/abt_al.html https://jackrvn70.neocities.org/ https://zbox.neocities.org/about.html
Thanks, Joppie. Ya know what?
I just "Followed" the most REALLY cool person (from what I've seen over the past year+). ALL OF YOU are really cool, too. I just get the idea that that some of you use various handles and goof on people for kicks. Big deal. I've seen it all.
We ALL have better times for things. Why is it that some people act in agression as opposed to simply asking questions? Eh, that kinda sounds like I'm a hippie, huh? Nope, I'm old... not THAT old! :)
Hey kenny46140, thanks for the follow. I don't know why, but for some reason your follow feels a little strange. I have no idea why. do you mind unfollowing me? appreciate you nonetheless. have a great one.
Wow, your graphics for owlman are so nice :) :)
No problemo, Joppie. I follow and dude, No Offence Taken! :) How do I do that unfollow thing???
@ probablynot; Those were/are just very simple stuff, but are fun to make. Not 'simple', I guess because I take awhile on some because they need to be "just right". Ya catch?
Joppie, my follow was/is honest and sincere. Dunno how ya get a strange vibe from it, but I will respect your request. I do understand, but if you change your mind, lemmie know. Again, "how do you do it"? (and you may call me just Kenny, that's cool :)