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"109" ?!? Aw, man... I missed it. Ack!!!
owlman 6 years ago

All is lost...

kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, No... the "All is lost" moment... (didn't think anybody caught that) All is lost...

I've been quite tempted today to let you in on my side project. I know I should fight this compulsion. Past experience tells me the best way to kill a side project is to prematurely give it an audience. Still, I'm pondering. Any thoughts? :)
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Ya gotta go with yer gut, I agree. Maybe a sort of small page that is "short-and-sweet" of sorts. OR better yet, add to your interests section to nip that urge in the bud! Hmm? Whadya think?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, I think I asked awhile back what particular TV Shows and Movies you're fond of (past or present). Does that help? Show me yours, I'll show ya mine! Har-har... oh, you catch my meaning. Something like that might curve that urge as well. :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Plus, I'll figure out your "60/40-Viola" name game. I guessed "April", but that's too easy. Hope that helps (above) and I'll get back to ya later. :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Huh, that's odd. Wait... hmm. Read above yer post: Anyway, I said "curve" and think I meant "curb". Umm, "Jenny, Ginny, or Linda"? No, too easy. Gotta get some stuff done. Later, tater! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Back! Had another idea so yer not tempted; Easy Riddles! Maybe(?). Like; "You have two coins that equal 30 cents. One is NOT a nickel." Follow? Just an idea. Silly, maybe. ;)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Back (again). It "is" Jennifer. Wait... aw, where'd I put that note-to-self. Here it is. Ugh, wrong one. It says; "not jennifer and ask about.." Oh, yeah! Need any sort of graphic or certain image? I can probably make it. Eh, will make a few today just for grins if I get a chance. No prob.

probablynot 6 years ago

It's not April or Linda although I do like those names. Ginny and Jenny are way off the mark. Remember I said "my full name" (re ratio). So my first name doesn't actually follow the 60/40 ratio. What people usually call me *does* have five letters, but it doesn't follow the ratio either. Sorry. I should have been more clear, but I wasn't expecting anyone to try to figure it out. :)

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probablynot 6 years ago

I'm afraid I don't understand your suggestions re curbing my temptation. Distraction won't help (I'm constantly distracted by everything) and all my energy is going into the side project anyway. Brain in permanent cramp mode, I guess :(

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I got it; The 'name thing'. I just like thinking of word puzzles sometimes while I'm woking on stuff. And "now" I get what you mean by "side project". I thought it was perhaps a web-page design! Duh! <-me! Yup, brain farts "do" happen! My bad. I'll ask, what's the general idea of your side project as not to kill it?

kenny46140 6 years ago

I have loads of side projects. Some impulsive, some drawn/thought out and others well, just 'shelved'. They mostly involve little to no money. Example: awhile back I refurbished and repaired some old advert electric lit wall clocks and gave them to fam members. Got some old lawn/garden junk to make lawn art out of. Stuff to make lamps out of. Ya, know... stuff like that. Maybe for garage sale or trading. (shrug)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

So, yup; You decide: "What's the general idea of your side project as not to kill it?" Now ya got me thinkin'... Ouch! Yup, it hurts! :)

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probablynot 6 years ago

Side project is an offshoot of the writing thing, and does involve a web page (design more-or-less finalised now). Because I've been working on it every day for more than a week it feels well-developed to me, when I look at it, but I need to keep reminding myself that someone who is *not* me probably won't see it that way. It needs more content before I release it "into the wild" so to speak. :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Way cool! Sounds like you've got it under control. I used to write years ago, but life twists and turns. Long ago, my li'l sister had found a few of my hand-written short stories in my 'old room'. It was the early days of internet and she typed them out and sent them in to this "contest" thingy. She surprised me by showing me they'd won some kind of award. I was embarassed and glad our names were NOT on them! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Funny, I've actually not typed nor written "this" much in a very long time either. Not even emailed in awhile... huh. Gonna write my cousin. Hope to get more internet time. Have been kinda busy. Lookin' forward to your "project"! Cool-cool! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

correction: My sis had sent in some short stories long ago and "she'd" gotten an award for "her" story. Not the ones of mine she sent it. Hell, neither of us even remember where it was! TOO long ago! Slept since then!

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probablynot 6 years ago

The compulsion has passed. Just thought I'd let you know :)

Sorry about the "Double Vision" below, yeah? Gotta get out and get stuff done! :)
owlman 6 years ago

Hey Kenny I have a question; How old do you think I am?

kenny46140 6 years ago

(oh, boy... here he goes. geesh, alright. ahem) " Hey Owlman I have an answer; To me you're 25. " (now what's he gonna do. why am i such his easy target? eh, whatever.)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Yeah, 25. Give or take a few. Wait... 23? Oh, that's a few huh. (what's he up to, hmm?)

owlman 6 years ago

Not bad.

owlman 6 years ago

Well, I'm more close to 23. Let's just say I'm old enough to drink.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

So, are ya saying you've realized the dangers of "drinking and typing" and perhaps have regrets? Or, maybe you were just asking a simple question about observation skills. Whatever. Assume nothing. Nobody knows everything, man. You don't have 6 mirrors in your part of the house, do ya? See, I know nothing.

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owlman 6 years ago

I was just thinking about how old people think I am, and no, I don't drink all that often.

kenny46140 6 years ago

You know better, dude. Who gives a crap what "people" think of ya. Geesh. Did ya get that "mirrors" joke (above)? Sure ya did. Be cool, duder! :)

Had some time this morning. No prob. You follow. Have a good one, dude !!!
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hosma 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the banners, kenny, they look really cool. Unfortunately I don't think they would fit with my current theme so sorry about that, I'm sure you get it. But I appreciate it a lot! As for where I am, I'll just say I'm from Europe.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, I know they don't fit yer theme, man. I was working on another project (with the background of it) and wanted to see a "text". Your name just popped to mind. Took a whopping 5 minutes and just saved as jpeg to show ya for grins. Dude, I can make about anything... way better, catch? Eur-uh-pee-in'? Better be in the toilet !!! Mwa-mwaaaaa! Ugh, that hurt. :)

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Hey, hey! Thanks for the follow! I've seen yer name on 'likes' for the past month, but haven't had the time to really look over folks' pages! At a glance; "Very Cool Page" !!! Will look more at it later, yeah? Thanks again and have a good one! :)
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Oh, well... "Hi"! Thanks for the follow, there! Was winding things up and saw this. Gimmie a write, cool? Ask "whatever", yeah? Gotta run and will check out yer page(s) later, k? Thanks! :)
You ROCK !!! I mean it. I can't do the imagery you can. Mine is different, but not as crisp and 'net friendly' as yours. Keep up the good work, yeah? Very Cool.
kenny46140 6 years ago

Gimmie a write when ya can. Ask anything. I don't mind. That goes for all you folks who clicked "like" on this post, cool? No prob. Gotta run! :)

Question: "Should I Create A New Handle&Page Here With More Clarity ?" Please respond with opinions as opposed to simple 'likes', cool? I'd honestly appreciate it @ ALL of you. Write as much as you want! No matter WHAT, got it? Cool... thanks.
probablynot 6 years ago

This is an issue that I've been pondering recently. With my first neocities site (which I'm not going to identify) I wasn't happy with the username and changed it, only to find that while I liked the new name better, it further boxed me into a "theme" for the site which didn't match what the site was supposed to be about. Having changed it once and made new graphics etc I didn't feel I could change it again. (cont'd)

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probablynot 6 years ago

(cont'd) It contributed to my inevitable losing-of-interest in keeping the site (there were other factors, but I can't mention those without giving too many clues to the other site's identity). In general I would advise people to plan ahead :) If you want to make another site with a new handle, go for it, but know what you intend to do ahead of time.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Glad you're alright! Have been keepin' tabs on the Aussie Weather prob. That's really effed-up! Same here, but vice-versa! "Odd" is too simple a word/term for it, huh? I actually know what's up... but, will go into that (perhaps) later, yeah? >>>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

( No, no. Not some 'conspiracy theory' nor the goof-ball crapolla like that. It's... well, later...k? )

kenny46140 6 years ago

"Big Thanks" for the advise. I follow ya exactly and came to the very same conclusion 'you' wrote above. Good to know it's 'still' a "small world", huh? Alotta people dunno what that even means anymore it seems, but they do (I'm sure). I was kinda asking because my 'handle' seems lately so... um, "goofy"(?). Plus, I wanted to reformat my page more complex... but 'that' really isn't my way. Simplicity is just that. >>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

At my age (30, 42, 50... whatever ya think), I believe the more complex we (used to) make things... the more needless obligations appear. Sure, I'm a simple guy who leads a simple life... But, "Been There, Done That" and complicating/overdoing things isn't right. JUST like I'm doing NOW! Yeah, I talk too much and obviously 'overdo' the yacking at times! Happens when I feel 'somebody follows me', which is rare lately!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Anyway, dear... Thanks again! I honestly hope you're "keepin' cool"! Damned weather, anyway! Chock-A-Block Of BS, catch? Eff-The-Dumb-Shist! ;)

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probablynot 6 years ago

*waves* Age is just a number... attitude on the other hand... is attitude ;)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

You got it! ;)

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If I've not posted to you others (you know who you are), I actually DO get the idea as to WHY you may utilize more than 1 handle/page here on neocities. I can only wish ALL of you my best because I have way TOO many irons in the fire to take care of before 'updating', follow? It's REALLY All Good. signed, "Big Brother Ken-bo" aka: Kenny (Yeah, the Cool Guy... ya goofballs !!!) :)
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Dude, I've got a helluva-lot to get done. Am thinking about making a whole new "handle/web-page" here. What do ya think? PLUS, I haven't asked you some things. Please write me back (here) with your opinions and ANY questions, Cool? :)
hosma 6 years ago

Hey kenny, I think you should only make a new handle on Neocities if you want to or if you could really make use of it. I've got a bunch but they were pretty much "one-use" accounts I used for personal stuff and I never interacted with the community though them.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Dude, I was askin' because my handle is kinda, well... "goofy". You and Joppie nailed it with "Big-Bro-Ken-Bo" (not the 'Orwell' meaning!). That IS who I am; A Cool Big Brother. Have been/Will be (and that's including those who are older than me). Thanks for the advise and input on yer own 'handles', man. A word back, though; what IS a community really? Neocities? Perhaps. Community is a place where you trust. >>>>>>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

My opinion? Yes, I have trust in you and others here in this forum where we really "don't know each other", but are keen enough via observation. Nobody is smarter nor dumber than Anybody. "Bad-Mouthing" is wrong, yeah? OH !!!>>>>>>>

kenny46140 6 years ago

If you can use these, cool. Took me a sec to make. Got TOO many fonts and can make just about anything, man. Just ask. and Yup, I can make anything pretty much (and no, it's NOT that over-rated/over-priced photo-shop!). ;)

kenny46140 6 years ago

AND... thanks for the sound advice, by the way! Very cool. :)

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